Monday, August 4, 2008

Findings Continued

Much of the Storefront document details signage design.

Given the necessary scope of sign code amendments, in terms of process and complexity, it is not intended that this project involve such revisions.

The only exception is that staff intent to explore additional signage allotments that would be contextually fitting with the historic nature of the area. The suggestions include painted wall signs and architectureal signage features such as the one shown in this photo.

Staff will develop regulations that would permit/promote these kinds of signs to add to the sense of place for the Harborside district.

Findings Continued

The exitsing Regulations state:

"Buildings shall respect the architectural heritage of the neighborhood with complimentary choices for materials, building scale, proportions and architectural details".

Staff intent to clarify this direction, by defining permitted materials that would complement the more architecturally interesting buildings in the area, such as those in the image on the left.